Getting started

Guide Frontpage; or "What the Hell is Theory of Knowledge?"

Welcome, reader. This is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Theory of Knowledge, since it is being written for my Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class, ...


Sixth lesson; or "Prisons&Empiricists (IB Dungeons&Dragons)"

Welcome to Hitchhikers’ Game Night! Tonight: Prisons and Empiricists

A party of four Rationalists enters the Stanford prison: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz and Random IB Student. The beginning seems fairly easy, as they follow their trusty instincts. They know that they will be a part of an experiment, but there is still a large amount of surprise as the Game Master Plato announces that Spinoza and Random IB Student will be placed in the Empiricist camp for the rest of the experiment.
Spinoza rolls for “fainting”, but fails.
Leibniz rolls for “punching Plato”, and succeeds. Leibniz +10XP; Plato -3HP

Without further ado, the party is split. Spinoza and Random IB Student receive the batons of Nurture and the Empiricist manifesto. Leibniz and Descartes leave for their cells, and they receive their outfits. To pass time, they start a Rationalist discussion. Empiricists tell them to stop. Descartes refuses.
Empiricists roll for “sense experience”, and hit. Descartes  -2 Faith
Leibniz rolls for “language”, and fails.
Descartes rolls for “language”, and hits. Empiricists feel it physically: -2 Faith and -3 HP
Empiricists roll for “summoning Locke”, and succeed. Locke summoned.
Leibniz rolls for “morale” and gets 13.
Descartes is too scared to act.
Locke rolls for “morale” and gets 20.
Locke rolls for “power” and gets 19.
Leibniz rolls for “mother instinct” and hits. Locke absorbs.
Locke rolls for “adoptive family studies” and hits. Leibniz paralyzed.
Descartes rolls for “criminal gene” and hits. Locke -1HP; Leibniz revived.
Locke rolls for “language acquisition device” and hits. Descartes and Leibniz lose.

The next few days are uneventful. Prisoners Rationalists slowly start to obey the Empiricists, and the Rationalists in the Empiricist ranks are molded into new Empiricists. Random IB Student and Spinoza start a discussion, which Leibniz overhears.
Spinoza rolls for “mathematics are learned” and hits. Leibniz -999 Faith and -999HP. Leibniz dead.

In the end, Stanford prison proved that men placed in certain positions may start acting as they usually wouldn’t, because of the expectations, and how easy it is to make free men slaves.

Join us for the next game night for CASopoly: collect at least 150 hours across three areas before the time is up!

Like this, with Sith lords

And don’t forget a towel ;)

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