Getting started

Guide Frontpage; or "What the Hell is Theory of Knowledge?"

Welcome, reader. This is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Theory of Knowledge, since it is being written for my Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class, ...


Eighth lesson; or "Mission Impossible"

Last post for this semester! Woohoo!
Now, its presentation time again. But this time around for me…

Task: make a ToK presentation
Team: solo, a pair or three people
Topic: self-chosen (“How ethical is it to kill?”)
WOKs: any and any number
AOKs: any and any number

The task is to practice for our ToK presentation by making a sample one over the winter break. Any topic, any length, any number of ways of knowing and areas of knowledge. This is a tutorial, a practice. With 25 days to spare, this should work out quite nicely. But blog and CAS and other things also await, so I’ll need to be efficient to finish before 15th (if the teacher sends what she needs to send). Lock and load!

Weather: cold, snowy
Loadout: internet, PowerPoint, brain, coffee
Rules of engagement: anything goes

See you after the break and the presentation. And you know what to bring ;)

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