Getting started

Guide Frontpage; or "What the Hell is Theory of Knowledge?"

Welcome, reader. This is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Theory of Knowledge, since it is being written for my Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class, ...


Tenth lesson; or "Milestones of work"

We have reached the tenth lesson! A milestone in this trip across the Galaxy, but also a milestone in my ToK education, since last class was all about our ToK presentations.

Remember the "Mission Impossible" lesson? I feel sorry for the first group which had to present their work, since they had it hardest. But both groups that presented chose helpful topics and had just minor mistakes, so all in all it was survivable.Even when talking about a topic of one's choice, it is hard and can become a nightmare when this many rules are included.

It went like this...

Not much to say. First class was about the Maltese video, and then two presentations.Low excitement last week, apparently.
Auf wiedersehen, faithful readers. And where are your towels? 😉

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